Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the kids aren't fine

I guess I jinxed myself with my ending lines next week. The kids have all been sick starting last Tuesday night with Colt, then the girl, now Canyon, it's terrible. No school, no church, nowhere. Ugh. Last night I started yelling at everyone for who knows why and then felt horrible. So my sweet hubs came in our room (of course, where I had run away to) And told me I've been pent up to long with the kids, I needed to leave and he wasn't waiting up. I love him. I went to costco and since it is next to a mall.....  I even found a really cute peacoat for 10 bucks at pennys. rad. had fun, all by myself and didn't bankrupt us in the process. Now I'm looking forward to visitors and getaways, and my kids being healthy!!! still chocolate free!!! And I found a chiropractor with magic back manipulating skills!! One visit and my out of whack neck is loving him. yeah!!
Oh and I found out my brother is dating one of my old girlfriends of yesteryear, sorry to all my friends whose brothers I dated. I actually don't mind, surprised at first but, she's a fun girl.
Colter is a monster (even when he's sick). I can't count the times I have found him sitting on the counter and dumping out sprinkles, salt, or other various foods and seasonings that make huge messes. And he took half the keys off my laptop keyboard. It's annoying. He has found out where "time out" is. He's just too cute though, hasn't been there near enouigh.
We also had tornadoes sunday night. The sirens went on, the twisters luckily didn't touch down in our city though. All is ok here, we are surviving.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

no more chocolate again

I"m going to be chocolate free again. I had two migraines last week. That's not regular for me. It was terrible. I think I'll have to be soda free too. That is harder for me. But after a week of terrible headaches and couple be quiet and turn out the lights ones, something had to give. I went walking/jogging last night and I felt so much better. Exercise really is good for you, go figure. I'll be getting in a repeat of that tonight. Sorry, all I have to talk about is my health and the weather. It's been nice. Life hasn't been exciting. The kids are fine. Have a nice day.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

happy it's over

I'm glad V-day is over. Some years, I'm into it. Some not. So much pressure on one little day. Yeah, it's nice to get surprised with some romantic little treat, but isn't that nice any day of the year?  And the kids had so much candy yesterday I almost feel sick for them. I found wrappers everywhere this morning, not all empty mind you. I found chocolate kisses melted under Sher's pillow. Nice. I guess she forgot she was hiding them from me. Anyway, we are looking forward to March. We have G-ma and G-pa coming and they are watching our kids while Chris and I get away for the weekend (Best kind of house guest you can have right?)  We are going to a different state. To a resort, on the Hospital's tab!  woohoooooo!  Chris has a conference and asked if I really wanted to just hang out by myself during the day. I thought it was rhetorical at first. So when he asked again I had to answer with my own Q  & A.  Are there going to be kids tearing up the room and asking me every five minutes for something? No, I think I'll be great!!!! I'm so excited.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

We have gotten so much snow this year. Just like I said previously. But here are the caves and forts that the boys built They made the bricks with a tupperware bin mold.
I was ignoring Sheridan the other day as I tried to get something done and I heard, "MOM I'm running away". My reply; "ok hon, where are you going"? A few minutes later she said "this is my new house". So I went to find where she was now living. I helped her decorate with flowers and she ate her lunch there. She moved back in when I let her watch cartoons.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

i think i'm back

 Well I'm trying to come back. One wrong button and my whole post was deleted, and of course before I could hit control z, it auto saved. argh. I usually like it but this has happened before, just not usually after I'm done typing and trying to add my craptastic photography. Lame. Well i'm not typing the whole thing over again. We are iced, sleeted, and snowed in right now. Yes, we've been having all of it. Sleet coming down sounds like rice krispies, in case you were wondering. We had very busy holidays just like everyone else and while I like the snow. I'm sick of snow days that my kid has to make up during the spring cycle break. They don't make them up for preschool, which I wouldn't mind, because I pay for that. whine, whine, whine. I know. But we have had a lot of fun in the snow. There have been snow balls, snow angels, snow men, snow caves, snow sledding, and even snow fortresses made of what else but snow bricks. We've enjoyed it.  I hope you all are have a wonderful new year so far and making the most of it. I'm trying to be more organized .Not really a resolution to say, just something I decided I need, to help fight off some of the chaos and crazy which is life. Well label maker here I come!